What is the point of HCR 9?
The states used to take official positions on federal affairs all the time and our United States Senators would represent those positions in Washington. Soon after 1913 and the ratification of the 17th amendment, the Senate began to act more like the U.S. House of Representatives by responding to the voters instead of the state governments. Our system of checks and balances relies on the states being able to check the power of the federal government from time to time and vis versa. Recently the Federal Reserve was partially audited and the findings were jaw dropping to say the least. In a report released by the Government Office on Accountability, the American people have been made aware that the Federal Reserve Board of Govenors have created money to bail out domestic and foreign banks and businesses totalling TRILLIONS of dollars and nobody knew about it, not even Congress! AND THAT WAS JUST A PARTIAL AUDIT! According to Article I Section VIII of the United States Constitution, the United States Congress is supposed to maintain control over our monetary policy but how can they do this if they do not have the authority to conduct a full scale , top-to-bottom audit of the policies of the lending practices and other policies that are set by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve?
Does the Federal Reserve ever get audited? Yes, but they are usually routine audits that handle basic practices of administration etc. What we need is an audit that tells the United States Congress and the American people how much of our money is being printed and what banks, business and whoever else that money is being given to and at what cost to the American people. Congress needs to have the authority to conduct these kinds of audits.
If you haven't done so already, please go to www.missourisaysauditthefed.com and sign the petition to support HCR 9. This will also allow me to show the legislature how many people support this measure and it will also allow me to contact you to give you updates on progress and how you can help me.
Missouri will be the first to take a position to demand that the U.S. Congress pass the Federal Reserve Transparency Act but I need your help. PLEASE POST THIS on your face book page and help gather support!