Unfortunately, Jefferson county is still represented by three members of congress, Luetkemeyer, Emerson and Akin. Franklin county on the other hand will now be represented by Congressman Blaine Luetkemeyer.
Paul Curtman |
![]() This map was passed by the house and the senate and is now awaiting the signature of the govenor. This will be the final map unless it is challenged in the courts. Unfortunately, Jefferson county is still represented by three members of congress, Luetkemeyer, Emerson and Akin. Franklin county on the other hand will now be represented by Congressman Blaine Luetkemeyer.
![]() The Missouri House passed the Congressional Redistricting map that is a compromise of the original house map and the senate map. District 105 covers parts of Franklin, Jefferson and St. Louis Counties, Although Franklin County is split in half and will now be shared by the 3rd and 8th congressional districts, my main concern was with Jefferson county as it will now be shared by the 2nd, 3rd and the 8th congressional districts. I would have liked to have had Jefferson (and Franklin too) be kept intact more than this so I voted NO on the amendment that effected the compromise. The up side to this though is that Jefferson county will have three Congress members that they can lobby with. Below is a close up of Frankln and Jefferson County
HB 708 was third read and passed the Missouri House by a vote of 102-51 and is now on its way to the Senate!
![]() Debating the importance of HB 708. HB 708 was perfected and printed on the house floor today with a vote of 99-53. This bill would prevent our judges from using foreign law to render their decision if that law would deny our citizens fro their constitutionally protected liberties. The purpose of government is to do one thing and one thing only: protect the rights of citizens and even then, the government can only do that if and only if they have the consent of the citizens. This is why our leadership is elected, it is why our legislature is elected; so the laws that we use to protect us are also representative of the people. I really do not understand how it is that anyone who takes an oath to the United States and Missouri Constitutions would ever vote against a bill that would ensure that our citizens are protected by our constitutions. This really baffles me. It makes me think that some people don't understand that the number one priority here at the capitol is to protect the individual rights of the citizens. This is why the process is supposed to go slow, this is wy we have checks and balances, this is why debate and the amendment procedure are so necessary. When you have people that make laws but don't even understand what the intent of their proposed laws are supposed to be geared at, then people begin to loose freedom. I will continue to stand for sound financial principles and personal freedoms. you can learn more about HB 708 HERE. I recently filed HB 845, The Family Business Growth Act, will allows up to two members of an employer's family within the third degree of affinity to opt out of workers' compensation insurance but still be counted toward the total number of employees.
This bill does not affect any employee who is currently covered by workers compensation insurance, nor does it change when an employee is required to receive workers compensation coverage. This bill merely allows up to two family member employees to voluntarily opt out of workers compensation insurance. This will provide a small, family owned business with an opportunity to reinvest into their business in other capacities. This bill has a sunset clause set for August 28th, 2015. WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT AND WORKPLACE SAFETY Date: Wednesday, April 20, 2011 Time:8:00 AM Location:House Hearing Room 4 House Joint Resolutions for Third Reading:
HCS HJR 3, sponsored by Rep. Tom Loehner (R-112), was third read today. This resolution calls for amending the Missouri Constitution to affirm the right of Missouri farmers to raise livestock without the state imposing any undue and burdensome regulations on them. House Bills for Perfection: HCS HB 111, sponsored by Rep. Stanley Cox (R-118), was perfected today. This bill relates to changes in judicial procedures and touches on a variety of issues. For more information about HCS HB 111 (and any other legislation), visit www.house.mo.gov. ![]() I was visited by Ken Rohrbach today at the capitol! Ken is the Library Director at the Scenic Regional Library. I first met Ken when he was visiting the Capitol with the Missouri Library Association last January. The Missouri Library Association is a nonprofit educational organization operating to promote library service, the profession of librarianship, and cooperation among all types of libraries and organizations concerned with library service in the State of Missouri. " Don't be afraid to go in your library and read every book..." - Dwight D. Eisenhower ![]() I was honored to visit with some of the students from the 8th grade class at Our Lady Queen of Peace yesterday afternoon! These kids are sharp! I wanted to introduce them to the General Assembly but the afternoon session had already started and they had an appointment to make. I was, however, able to bring them into the House gallery on the floor so they could see how things operate close up. Today the Missouri House begins the debate over the congressional redistricting maps put forth by the house. What is currently Missouris' 3rd congressional district, held by Russ Carnahan, will be drawn out of the map. Jefferson County will be shared by three congressmen, Akin, Emerson, and Luetkemeyer, according to the new map which you can see HERE.
Click HERE to listen to todays debate live. The Missouri House passed its budget this week granting approval to a $23.2 billion budget. This budget reflects the continuing commitment of the House Majority to pass a budget that’s not only balanced, but sets aside $49 million in savings and continues to reflect the top priorities of the Missouri House of Representatives.
States across this country are faced with budget shortfalls on an unprecedented scale. Tough decisions made in the past, and tougher decisions made during this budget process have led to a budget that House Majority members can point to as a roadmap for continued fiscal recovery. The House balanced this budget while being able to hold K-12 education harmless to the 2011 funding levels, while instituting only modest reductions to our higher education institutions, while protecting low income health care and while maintaining funding for other vital state services such as correctional facilities and public safety. Further state restructuring and programmatic changes will be needed to move Missouri through this current financial crisis. Continuing work by the House Appropriations Committees and by the Interim Committee on Budget Transparency will enable this process to remain fluid and will allow members the needed knowledge of state services to continue to make fiscal decisions. HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE:
EDUCATION The House of Representatives continues their strong commitment to public education and this budget is a clear reflection of how the Missouri House is prepared to deal with the nation’s economic downturn. Included in this is the House Majority’s continued commitment to make K-12 education the highest priority. Holding the Foundation Formula harmless during these challenging economic times further proves this promise. Total funding for the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education will exceed $5.2 billion. Also included is the House’s commitment to the state’s higher education system. The House exceeded the Governor’s funding levels for institutions by implementing the Preparing to Care program, a $12M increase over the Governor’s recommendation. HIGHLIGHTS:
The Missouri economy—fueled by key budgetary and policy decisions passed by this General Assembly—is continuing to move in the right direction despite challenging economic times nationwide. Combined with the Quality Jobs Act, continued funding for job creation and incentives for innovation will be vital as we strive to climb out of this global financial recession. HIGHLIGHTS:
November 2013