I didn’t always want to get into politics. In fact, a few years ago, I didn’t really know much (or really care) about politics.
In 2004 all that began to change. I remember coming home from service in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and watching politicians use our troops as political leverage. I came to realize that some people will say and do anything to get elected. I couldn’t help but think that if America only had more people in office who were committed to keeping us free and following the Constitution, we could get America and Missouri on the right path to taking our country back. I knew I had to get involved.
I saw what liberals were doing; spending too much money, crushing our prosperity with regulations, and attempting to destroy our health care system with ObamaCare.
So I took on Claire McCaskill:
Soon after, I decided to run for State Representative. Since winning in the Tea Party wave of 2010, I’ve learned that liberty-minded conservatives are few and far between in government. But I have met one conservative leader that I admire, and consider a dear friend. That conservative is Shane Schoeller.
Let me be clear: Shane Schoeller has been a leader in the fight against Obamacare. He has been on the front lines of fighting against liberal attacks on our freedom. And he has been a tireless defender of the conservative values we share.
Shane Schoeller is the only candidate with a plan to stop Robin Carnahan from rigging our elections. He has continually fought for a common sense voter ID law to protect our elections from fraud. And he has fought to clean up our voter rolls and stop illegal aliens from voting in our elections.
Next Tuesday, August 7th, join me in supporting the only TRUE conservative for Secretary of State. Vote Shane Schoeller for Secretary of State.
God Bless,
Paul Curtman
Support Shane today athttp://www.shaneschoeller.org/volunteer